Monday, November 10, 2008

We Need A New Candidate

Already looking toward another presidential campaign, I've decided I want a conservative candidate cut from the same cloth as Ronald Reagan. His presidency was admirable and his policies successful. Perhaps his best statement was: "Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem." We need a candidate who will cut taxes, reduce the size, power, and influence of government, and lead our military with an iron hand and ample wisdom.

Although his administration was a time of increasing government debt, I believe that wise use of public funds and reduced taxes can allow us to reduce the size of government and the deficit while stimulating the economy. Also beneficial would be some action on real tax reform--moving to a true flat tax (no exemptions, deductions, credits, shelters or loopholes) or the Fairtax. And although his policies on immigration amnesty were unpleasant, and the "War on Drugs" has been of questionable success, the highlight of Reagan's career was the fall of communism, which was a victory for freedom and free markets.

I had the privilege of casting my first vote for Reagan's re-election in 1984, and although his second term wasn't as good as his first, he was an honest man who understood the role of government and what the founder fathers had in mind. I miss him.

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