Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gotta Give 'Em Credit

As dissatisfied as I am with the election situation, I've got to admit that the major candidates have been very classy about the whole thing. While both of them addressed the other by name to highlight certain differences regarding the issues, they never stooped to calling names or dirty politics.

Then, after it was all over, President Bush called to congratulate Obama, and pledged his cooperation in the transition (which is better than what Clinton did). Then Obama called McCain to ask for help in leading the country, to which McCain agreed.

So, even after all is said and done, they seem to agree that cooperation is better than contention, and they actually seem to have the best interests of the nation at heart ("seem" to...). Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

P.S. And, besides, Obama promised his girls a puppy to take to the White House with them. If he likes dogs, I suppose he can't be entirely evil.

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