Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Breast Cancer Deception Month

Yes, it was in October, so I'm a little late, but in commemoration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I would like to bring to light some facts:

According to the National Center for Health Statistics (Final Data for 2003, dated April 19, 2006) more women die from heart disease, stroke and lung cancer than from breast cancer. In fact, over eight times as many women die from heart disease than die from breast cancer (348,994 vs. 41,620). (Current data is available at the CDC's web site, and shows a similar margin.)

So, again, the question is: Why is there so much emphasis on breast cancer, when other things are much greater threats? Is there a Heart Disease Awareness Month? Are there marketing campaigns to find a cure for heart disease? Are they truly working to save lives, or just sell products? And, why just a Veteran's Day when so many died to protect freedom? Why are our priorities to screwed up?

1 comment:

Angela said...

Off the top of my head I'd say it's because it's more sensational. I think a lot of women see their breasts as a symbol of their femininity. To loose that would be worse than any other kind of cancer.
Personally, I've never been very fond of mine, they're too big and in the way. I'd be more sad to loose my hair.