Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The End of the World As We Know It

It has been a most depressing election day: first, I realize that there really are no decent candidates to choose from, even in the Constitution Party, and then Obama wins.

So, here are my predictions for the next four years:
  • terrorist attacks will rise, and happen again on American soil
  • the economy will not improve, but get even worse
  • taxes will go up
  • more restrictive laws will be passed
  • our standing in the world will not improve
  • more scandal in Washington, D.C.
  • we will have less freedom
  • less overall happiness as a nation
  • crime will rise

In short, socialism.

The people of this nation have proven that they care more about a pretty face, pleasant words,and entitlements than they do their own freedom. What idiotic fools.

And finally, now that a black man has been elected president, I don't want to hear anything more about this nation being racist. No reparations for slavery, no affirmative action, no more anything having to do with racism. If you don't like they way America is, then go back to Africa.


An Angry White Man


Angela said...

Yes, all those things have a very good chance of happening. But, I'm not depressed anymore. I've been thinking of things to be happy about and I've actually come up with a (small) hand full.

Richard A. Smith said...

And what would that small handful of things be?