Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wow, That's Bold!

I friend of mine reports in her blog, and it is confirmed in several other places, that Obama has transferred supervision of the census from the Commerce Department to the White House. While I don't expect any shenanigans... oh! Who am I kidding? Yes, I do, I expect the worst from the Socialist-in-Chief!

Anyway, this is a power grab of the worst kind. Read the above-linked articles and tell me if it doesn't give you chills. We definitely need to make a stink about this; start calling your Congress-Critters, now!

Let the revolution begin.


Angela said...

Wow, you referenced me! How cool!

And yes, this is terrible. I wrote to the Governor, both senators and my representative. I don't know what they can do but we have to do something!

It makes the Utah/D.C. rep trade off an even bigger mistake since we will mostly likely loose the seat after the Census "adjusts" the numbers.

Richard A. Smith said...

Of course I referenced you, you're a sharp one to catch this and publicize it, right after Bro. Card.

I wrote to my state senator, rep. AND the governor and attorney general; as well as Senator Hatch and Rep. Chaffetz. The potential for evil in this is enormous.

Did you notice the change I made to my page header, the quote? I think it's VERY relevant.

Angela said...

I did notice the change. Did I ever ask you if you had read Chris Stewart's Great and Terrible series? It really drove home for me the reality of Satan's influence on people. It's amazing, and I can't help but think that he's behind it all when so much is happening so fast before anyone can discuss and debate it.

Angela said...

p.s. I'd actually heard about the Census thing from Glenn Beck a couple of weeks ago, but OSC tells a compelling story and it moved me to action.