Wednesday, March 18, 2009

National Illness

There was once a Parisian, whom we call Voltaire, that said, "A great many laws in a country, like many physicians, is a sign of malady."

If this is true (and I think it is), then we are seriously sick.

(Added March 25):

As a remedy to this national illness I recommend a short tome by Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower (1953-1961) called "The Proper Role of Government". Published in 1968, it does just what it says. Everyone would do well to read it and follow its principles, particularly those in Washington.


Angela said...

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with your blog lately.
Have you been listening/watching Glenn Beck? He's started quite the movement with his 912 project. Add to that the outrage over the AIG bonuses -that's a whole other discussion, but nevertheless people are waking up and getting really angry. If Bush were doing this people would be calling out for impeachment(which they've done for far less), but not for Obama. Even so, people are beginning to see how corrupt Congress is and Washington in general. I don't think everyone is going to make a mad dash for the Republican party or anything, but people are really hungry for change. REAL change, not the empty feel-good change. Integrity, honesty, respect. That's what we want to see. Who knows where this will take us. Hopefully some where better.

Richard A. Smith said...

Yes, that's what I'm hoping for, too. Depending on the effectiveness of the mainstream media's propaganda and what the Obamanation can get way with, it looks like people will get tired of the feel good pseudo-change and Glenn Beck's kind of righteous indignation will take root and the political pendulum will swing back to the right. We shall see.