Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Would They Please Catch a Clue?

Now the Treasury Secretary says that tax increases will be necessary "to limit future budget deficits." These people are too stupid for words... THEN DON'T SPEND SO D@%# MUCH MONEY!

The economy would be just fine and would recover in just a few months if they would stop meddling and drastically CUT TAXES! And this guy calls himself an economist.... (He needs to ask Dartmouth and Johns Hopkins for refunds.)

Actually, it's not so much that they are stupid, but that they think WE are. They have an inflated perception of their own intelligence and ability to lead, and they see that of the populace as though through the wrong end of a telescope (try it sometime, it makes things look way smaller). This is the kind of progressive liberal elitist nonsense that got us into this mess to begin with.

I don't know what makes me more angry, the fact that they are destroying the country or that they are insulting our intelligence.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oh, that's a tough one. I'd say Destroying the country. I can take the insult, just quit ruining my country!