Wednesday, March 18, 2009

National Illness

There was once a Parisian, whom we call Voltaire, that said, "A great many laws in a country, like many physicians, is a sign of malady."

If this is true (and I think it is), then we are seriously sick.

(Added March 25):

As a remedy to this national illness I recommend a short tome by Ezra Taft Benson, former Secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower (1953-1961) called "The Proper Role of Government". Published in 1968, it does just what it says. Everyone would do well to read it and follow its principles, particularly those in Washington.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here's Some Change For You

I have recently been informed that the Obama Administration is taking steps to restrict Second Amendment right via some underhanded, backdoor regulation, including registration for military personnel who privately own firearms, and restrictions on the sale of military surplus brass for reloading.

Obama is the most dangerous thing to happen to this nation since the redcoats landed on our shores. And, frankly, other than staying in close communication with our legislators, or running for office ourselves, I'm not sure there's much we can do about it. I'm not even sure what's going to be happening with our country, but I get the sense that it won't last beyond Obama.

Or maybe we should start protesting, loudly! Let the revolution begin.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Hypocrisy, More Taxes

Now the Obama Administration is saying that they wouldn't mind a tax on benefits. In an article on, it is written that he opposed such a tax when McCain suggested it, but is now promoting it. Pitiful...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Maybe Somebody Has A Clue

An article on MSNBC expresses some concerns about Obama's approach to resolving the current economic situation, and the fact that his actions and policies seem to be making things worse, rather than better. For example:

More than 4 million jobs have been lost since the recession began in December 2007 — roughly half in the past three months.

Stocks have tumbled to levels not seen since 1997. They are down more than 50 percent from their 2007 highs and 20 percent since Obama's inauguration.

Do I sense some sobering of the fawning mass-media? Maybe somebody is finally realizing that the government can't spend our way out of this recession and that economic recovery is truly a grassroots activity that needs to start with regular people, particularly business owners.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Demise of the United States?

A Russian scholar is predicting that the United States will collapse by 2011, dividing into six new countries, with Alaska reverting back to Russia. This is nothing new. Russians have been anticipating the demise of the U.S. for decades, but what's significant now is that they've given it a date.

Personally, I think it's possible, given the present state of he economy and the bone-headed "solutions" that the nut-cases in power are proposing and implementing. However, it's highly unlikely since we are a more unified nation than they give us credit for, among other reasons. Russia, on the other hand, is closer to collapsing than we are, and this so-called "scholar" has been more wrong than right. Still, it would be interesting to have your thoughts on the subject.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Would They Please Catch a Clue?

Now the Treasury Secretary says that tax increases will be necessary "to limit future budget deficits." These people are too stupid for words... THEN DON'T SPEND SO D@%# MUCH MONEY!

The economy would be just fine and would recover in just a few months if they would stop meddling and drastically CUT TAXES! And this guy calls himself an economist.... (He needs to ask Dartmouth and Johns Hopkins for refunds.)

Actually, it's not so much that they are stupid, but that they think WE are. They have an inflated perception of their own intelligence and ability to lead, and they see that of the populace as though through the wrong end of a telescope (try it sometime, it makes things look way smaller). This is the kind of progressive liberal elitist nonsense that got us into this mess to begin with.

I don't know what makes me more angry, the fact that they are destroying the country or that they are insulting our intelligence.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wolves At the Door, Part 2

It occurs to me, as I am reading a political science book, that there may be another as yet unrevealed dimension of our current national plight. Although this may be the fruits of my own imagination, I can see a very plausible scenario for all of this: If the banks refused at some point in the past to join, finance or promote some kind of cap-and-trade scheme in response to the global climate change “crisis”, I can see a scenario in which the government comes up with a plan to take over the banks and force participation in some such Al-Gore-esque plan to force them to do so.
So, another prediction: Banks will begin promoting green credits or some other kind of cap-and-trade participation within the next year or two.

Wow, That's Bold!

I friend of mine reports in her blog, and it is confirmed in several other places, that Obama has transferred supervision of the census from the Commerce Department to the White House. While I don't expect any shenanigans... oh! Who am I kidding? Yes, I do, I expect the worst from the Socialist-in-Chief!

Anyway, this is a power grab of the worst kind. Read the above-linked articles and tell me if it doesn't give you chills. We definitely need to make a stink about this; start calling your Congress-Critters, now!

Let the revolution begin.