Thursday, August 6, 2009

Interesting Photos

I got a couple of pictures from a friend of mine that everyone should see.

One of them is of President Obama after his meeting with Officer Crowley and Professor Gates:

I am stunned that the official White House Blog published this picture and that it is in the public domain. The body language is most revealing.

Sergeant Crowley, the sole class act in this trio, helps the handicapped Professor Gates down the stairs, while Barack Obama, heedless of the infirmities of his friend and fellow victim of self-defined racial profiling, strides ahead on his own. So who is compassionate? And who is so self-involved and arrogant that he is oblivious?

In my own dealings with the wealthy and powerful, I have always found that the way to quickly capture the moral essence of a person is to watch how they treat those who are less powerful. Do they understand that the others are also human beings with feelings? Especially when they think nobody is looking.

I think this photo constitutes another major Obama blunder.

As some commentators point out, this picture becomes a metaphor for ObamaCare. The elderly are left in the back, with only the kindness of the Crowleys of the world, the stand up guys, to depend on. The government has other priorities.

At every stage of the entire Gates affair, Obama has provided a revealing tell. The "acted stupidly" blunder revealed that he automatically blames the police and thinks they really are stupid to begin with. It didn't trigger a single alarm bell in his mind as he figured out what to say.

Then, the non-apology apology revealed an arrogant man who cannot do what honest people do: admit it when they make a mistake.

Now at stage three, the beer photo op looked OK. It didn't turn into a disaster.

But then in a small moment that nobody in the White House had the brains to understand, Obama goes and send a body language message like this.

I think he is going to get deeper and deeper into trouble. He is no longer repeating the familiar scripts dreamed up for the campaign. He was a master performer.

But when he goes improv, as a president must do, he lets his true character show. This helps widen the level of doubt that Obama is the same guy a majority voted for. Those doubts can only grow.
However, there are two points that I disagree with here: First, I don't think the White House Staff are too stupid to see this, I think that they are too proud, and arrogant to see it. I don't think that the people will see this the same way, the people who voted for him are likely also too proud and arrogant to see it, but are also looking at what they can get from Obama and his hand-out government, or, they're the stupid ones.

The other photo is of President Bush with elderly Senator Robert Byrd, and creates a stark contrast.

1 comment:

Angela said...

You're welcome. ;)
Bush is only helping Sen. Byrd because he used to be a Klan member!