Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lies, Energy and More Lies

The truth about America's oil supply is that we have plenty, we should be producing much more than we are, we could even be a major exporter, and we can be energy independent, but the progressives and environmentalists want us to be poor and subservient. These lies are getting old. Too many people buy them, and do nothing to expose them. Their propagation is nothing short of evil.

Get the details here, and then write to your Senators and Representatives and tell them about it:

Setting the record straight on America’s oil

Deliberately Making Americans Poorer: Obama’s energy policies hit hardest below the poverty belt

The Big Energy Lie

The Big Energy Lie, Revisited: The truth behind all that 'The U.S. has only 2% of the world's oil reserves' malarkey.

And this:

1 comment:

Angela said...

There is nothing more frustrating to me than a government that is intentionally ruining the lives of its citizens. A merely incompetent president would be better because he might accidentally do something right.