Saturday, June 27, 2009

Global Warming Burns Me Up!

The cap and tax bill in Congress right now is the biggest tax increase in history. One that will increase the prices of everything, from toys to houses. All of this in reaction to the climate change boogey man. It's like a kid setting fire to his closet to kill the monster that he thinks is going to get him in the middle of the night. This has nothing to do with protecting the environment, or helping people, it's about controlling people--less about electrical power, more about political power.

Ever wonder why energy companies are in favor of cap and trade? Because they stand to make a LOT of money from it!

We need to do something. It's in the Senate now. Call, write, fax, take a flight to D.C. and knock on his door, do something to let your senators know that this will be a disaster and can't be allowed to pass.


Angela said...

I tried to find out when they're voting on it and the best I could find was a quote from Harry Reid saying they'd get to it in the Fall. I hope nobody forgets about it by then.

Richard A. Smith said...

We need to keep the pressure on them that the American people are not in favor of cap-and-trade and that they will reject this and those who voted for it come election time.