Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tax and Spend Hypocrisy, Part 2

Now, MSNBC news is saying, in an article of Feb. 26, that this year's budget deficit will be the largest in history ($1.75 trillion), which is four times as much as last year's budget deficit from the previous administration ($455 billion, and a previous record), and "a percentage of the economy — just over 12 percent — not seen since World War II".

This is the "new era of responsibility"? And they were complaining about the Republicans' irresponsible spending. I'm getting really tired of the self-aggrandizing hypocrisy, and even more tired of the government-metastasizing* spending.

* As George Will said: Government exists to metastasize. What's really significant about that saying is that the word metastasize is typically used when referring to the spread of cancer in the body.

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