Sunday, April 27, 2008

Liberals and Environmentalists Become Killers

While I'm sure they did not intend to, liberals and environmentalists have recently been placed in a very unpleasant position. Because of rising oil and grain prices, brought about largely as a result of government subsidies for ethanol, as well as environmental restrictions on oil prospecting and drilling, worldwide food prices have risen so much that famine is now a very real concern in many less-developed countries. As a result, numerous people will die in the next few months because some other people want to "save the planet".

This is clearly the result of skewed priorities and fouled-up ideologies. The earth is here for our prudent use and it is clear that compassionate capitalism is a viable and beneficial solution to many of the world's problems. Get a clue, people.


Angela said...

It's been a little while since your last post. Have you given up on Blogging?

Richard A. Smith said...

No, I haven't given it up, I have just been busy. And, sometimes I have to take a break to sort out the issues in my own mind, before I write about them.